Sometimes you don’t need to go further to find amazing places and enjoy gravel roads surrounded by mountains and beautiful forest.
Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park is a perfect example of a place to explore gravel roads and amazing single-tracks that go through mountains and some small rivers.
Some weeks ago, we have been there spending the morning with our new bikes. The day didn’t start as we expected but, after overcome some impediments, we started to choose some nice paths.
The main goal of this ride was testing our bikes in this type of terrains but also we wanted to discover new routes and eat something good from the zone.
After few hours riding around La Mola mountain, we had to get over a climb during some kilometers. The bikes are awesome and they work better than we expected. We are in love with them.
Sant Llorenç Savall, is a small town inside the Natural Park really visited by cyclists. There are some roads that cross the village and also mountain bike paths then a lot of people visit it.
In the center of Sant Llorenç you can find the Cafe Royal, an old but authentic place. Years ago it was a projection room, a kind of small cinema, and nowadays it’s frequented by people, take coffee and eat a breakfast.
After a coffee and eat some pastries from Pastisseria Domènec (it’s a must taste them) we resumed our ride back home.
About the route, it’s not a hard one but it has some technical parts where it requires some mountain biking skills.
We arrived at home with 60 km of almost 100% gravel, 1.400m+ of elevation gain, and our bikes full of mud as we expected.
Put your bikes ready for next adventures is a must to maintain the quality of all components.
We want to invite you to come and explore this big where a lot of new places are waiting for you.